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  • New Zealand Gun Buy Back


When did the buy-back end?

The buy-back ended on 20 December 2019.

Did the buy-back cover parts, accessories, magazines and ammunition?

The buy-back included parts, accessories and magazines but not ammunition.

Could someone have sold a firearm to someone overseas instead of taking part in the buy-back?

No. If it was a prohibited firearm, it is unlikely to have been given a permit to export under the Customs and Excise Act.

Will you be doing checks on all firearms licence holders?

Police’s established processes for checking licence holders will continue. However, work on the proposed second bill will consider the need to audit and monitor compliance of all licence holders.

Under what circumstances can people hand in their guns after the amnesty and not be penalised?

As has always been the case, after 20 December 2019 if someone proactively hands in prohibited firearms/parts/ammunition, the Arms Act 1983 (section 59B) expressly affirms that Police have a discretion not to prosecute in such situations where the public interest in favour of prosecution is low.

What are the maximum penalties for not handing in prohibited weapons (Fines, prison time?)

If Police comes across someone in possession of a prohibited firearm after 20 Dec 2019 (without the relevant endorsement), the individual is liable for prosecution for an offence punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment and, if that person is the holder of a firearms licence, they may be subject to revocation consideration.

For more information go to or call 0800 311 311.