Five people hurt in explosion at Christchurch house

Emergency services are attending an incident in Northwood, Christchurch, after a reported explosion at a house.

A Fire and Emergency New Zealand spokesman said emergency services were at a incident in Marble Court, Northwood.
It is understood there had been an explosion at a house.
A St John spokesman said it was believed five people had suffered moderate injuries.

Roof tiles and insulation have rained on neighbouring houses after five people were reported hurt in an explosion at a Christchurch house.
A Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fenz) spokesman said emergency services were called to an incident in Marble Court, Northwood, about 10.20am on Friday.
It is understood there had been an explosion at a house, and the building was on fire.

Fenz area commander Dave Stackhouse said a gas explosion had caused multiple injuries.
Karen Tewnion-Smith said everyone in her Russley Rd office heard "a loud bang".
"We assumed it was someone moving out of the office below us but went on Facebook and saw a few people had heard it."

Sharon Lee, from the nearby On Johns Motels Holiday Park, said insulation had been "raining down on us".
It sounded like "a great big explosion", she said.
"Something's blown up."

Joy Allison posted to Facebook soon after the explosion: "Wow! What was that. Scared me half to death."

Jasper Force, who lives on Armagh St in the central city, said he heard a "loud booming noise".
"The building even shook a bit ... about the time of the explosion."

Others reported hearing the bang in Cashmere and St Albans.

Sam Sherwood Stuff