51 Brighton Mall
ChristchurchCanterbury 8061

  • BBB Florists

Welcome to BBB FLORIST Christchurch

Where we have a great range of creative gift solutions for your occasion.

Sisters and business partners Vicki LeCompte and Donna Munro have been operating BBB for 30 years and we have 5 very talented designers in our team with service being top priority.

Our Principal Designer/Partner Vicki LeCompte has 30 years experience in top level floristry and achieved runner-up in the 2001 Interflora Pacific unit Florist of the year competition.

Vicki is the President of Interflora pacific unit and has been on the board for 10 years.

At BBB we pride ourselves on delivering the best quality and value with fresh seasonal product personally chosen from early morning flower auctions three times a week.

Call us now on 03 388 9001 Visit Website 

BBB Florists
BBB Florists

Location of BBB FLORISTS