Cathedral Square Upgrade

The images show what the south-east corner of the Square could look like when a $3.6 million project to upgrade the southern quadrants is complete.

Christchurch City Council started work on the project last month. The work will be carried out in four phases over the next two years.

The first phase has been timed to coincide with the opening of two new private developments and involves relevelling the ground and laying new paving in front of the buildings. This phase is expected to be completed by the end of January.

In following phases, additional lighting and more landscaping will be added to help create a welcoming space, with existing materials recycled where possible.

The fourth phase will follow a public consultation process about proposed changes to the Square’s southern road access.

“The work we’re doing in Cathedral Square will make it a safer, more pleasant place for residents and visitors,” says the Council’s Manager Capital Delivery Major Facilities, Alistair Pearson.

“We want the Square to be place where people come together – re-establishing it as the heart of our city.”