33 Provincial Road
ChristchurchCanterbury 8025


  • Toilets located in the main car park area.
  • Picnic sites
  • Dog park area available.
  • Halswell Quarry
  • Quarry View
  • Kurashiki Sister City Garden

Halswell Quarry Christchurch Walks

Duration of walk: Various walks ranging from 5 - 40 minutes with the opportunity to combine walks its up to the individual to pick the route and pathways the quarry has picnic areas and includes walkways around the lakes and sister city gardens great asset for Christchurch.

Start location: All walks can be accessed from the car park off Kennedys Bush Road we found the first stage walking up to a viewing platform to be the most challenging once past this it is fairly easy.

Although if you haven’t been before in some parts it is easy to walk off the track and end up taking shorter routes than you were looking to do.
You won't get lost but the track signage is very minimal so you can sometimes be walking over the same ground but its all good especially on a nice day.

Very unique 60.4 hectare park in that you have six sister city gardens to walk through and a botanical collection well worth a visit in the spring to see the blossom’s out giving a spectacular display and great photo opportunities.

Halswell Quarry is a great place for the whole family and includes a dog exercise area. The area is unfenced so dogs must remain under control at all times but may be allowed off-leash.

So its not just a walking track but a great place to spend part of a nice day.

Halswell is named after Edmund Storr Halswell a government officer and member of the management commission of the Canterbury Association.

This Christchurch quarry played a significant role in the development of the Christchurch region. It ceased production in 1990 after 130 years of quarrying and was believed to be the oldest continually operating quarry in Australasia. 
Halswell stone is a distinctive blue-grey stone and was used in many of the city's more prominent buildings which includes the Canterbury Museum.

Quarry View
Quarry View
Kurashiki Sister City Garden
Kurashiki Sister City Garden