54 Oxford Street
LytteltonCanterbury 8082

Opening hours

From Monday 4 February to Sunday 31 March the pool is open for season pass key holders only.
$160 per household
If you are interested in becoming a key holder, contact 03 941 8999 and have your credit card handy for payment.


  • Lyttelton Pool

Norman Kirk Memorial Christchurch

Local families are now able to apply for a key that allows them to swim at the pool for longer hours than the general public.
The pool season will also last over a month longer for key holders.

Norman Eric Kirk was a New Zealand politician who served as the 29th Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1972 until his unexpected death in 1974. Kirk or as he was known Big Norm was a most formidable debater and once said that people don't want much, just "Someone to love, somewhere to live, somewhere to work and something to hope for. His energy, grass roots, charisma and powerful speaking, untimely death, made him one of the most popular New Zealand prime ministers.